Dhamma Theatre West is an international non-profit arts and education organization. The organization is formed as a collective of artists and educators in order to engender, support, and facilitate intercultural community and contemporary collaborations between artists and audiences of diverse backgrounds.

The efforts of the organization are devoted to serving regional and international communities by generating opportunities for art education and discovery through the exploration of local, foreign, traditional and contemporary forms.

While Dhamma Theatre West is continuously seeking to activate collaboration amongst the international art community, programs of the organization are dedicated to sustaining and enriching the cultures and communities where they are created; and to extending the voice of regional artists into the greater international community through the intimacy of contact, experience, and collaboration with each other.

The mission of the organization is based on the belief that, art is an essential human endeavor, a key component in our communal evolution, and we as artists have the vital opportunity to assist that evolution by gathering ourselves together in the spirit of communication.

As artists and educators we believe that through the mediums of art and performance, we can develop communications that transcend the boundaries of language and culture. Our collaborations enable us to understand each other, to exist in communion and to move forward into a future of ideas and forms that have yet to be born of our human ingenuity.

In reflection upon these beliefs and ideas, Dhamma Theatre West actively endeavors to:

promote multi-cultural interaction and inspire artistic collaboration

develop regional and international community and network for artists

assist the prosperity of regional and international communities for artists

form regional art centers that help to promote and create art within regional communities and are connected to the international core organization and its purpose (above)

offer and support programs of exploration and education in the ancient, contemporary arts.

Create collaborative, contemporary, and multi-cultural art projects, workshops, and educational programs in an effort to enhance our global community.


Dhamma Theatre West is continuously attempting to bridge vast geographical and cultural distances via artistic collaboration and regional community interaction. Thus the organization is served by the outreach of its members in the regions of their interest and/or origin.

Presently, executive members of Dhamma Theatre West are nurturing projects in the United States, Thailand, Germany, and Nepal. Branch offices currently exist in Bangkok, New York, Phoenix, and Berlin.

To serve the international nature and purpose of the organization and it’s members, the organization is structured to provide the opportunity for a broad base of membership, with simultaneous focus on both regional and international fronts, and an expansive attitude toward the creation of inter-cultural artistic community.

Founded and governed by artists, the organization is steered by the inspiration of its members and their efforts in collaboration.

Co-Creative Directors

    Ruth Pongstaphone

    Paltrick Palucki

Coordinating Artists

    Michael Akil Davis

    Florian Kirner

    Maytinee Imchum

    Amata Piyanavich

    Lorelei Ignas

    Silapin Thongaram


Council of Advisors   

    Bob McGrath

    Manuel Lutgenhorst

Collaborating Artists


    Muang Muang Thein

Contributing Organizations & Artists

    Patravadi Theatre, Patravadi Medjhudon
