Works 07-10

Photo by Patrick Palucki

Kimono Dance Experiments in “Tube Space” - In preparation for “Space Dance in the Tube” in Thailand, the upcoming workshop and performance collaboration with Butoh Artist Tetsuro Fukuhara. Patrick Palucki and Ruth Pongstaphone for  Dhamma Theatre West were invited to encounter the installation “space dance in the tube” in Tokyo. This first contact and interaction with the installation was initiated through performance and  photography. Space Dance in the Tube is an illuminating experience of our kinetic existence and an exploration of design created by the body through conversation with the environment.

Space Dance in the Tube, Tokyo

Installation and Dance by Tokyo Space Dance, February, 2008

iUi # 01 – process of intitiating, updating, & integrating”  (workshop – seminar – festival) is an event developed and initiated by Burmese performance artist, Lin Htet (Theatre of the Disturbed) and produced by the Alliance Francais (French Cultural Institute of Myanmar) in an effort to cultivate contemporary performance art among emerging Burmese artists and to develop an artistic dialogue with other theatre artists from around the world. The program of the event, from workshop to seminar to festival, was aimed toward the creation of a collaborative performance event.

In September 2007 artists, Ruth Pongstaphone and Patrick Palucki for Dhamma Theatre West, were invited to participate in the festival dialogue as teachers and artists. After several months of discussion and preparation, the following workshops were created in Myanmar in February and developed together by a team of artist faculty invited by the festival.

Workshop 1: A week long performance workshop exploring acting, physical theatre, and the creation of performance. Using Samuel Beckett’s “Act Without Words” as a starting point, the students worked together with Teacher/Director, Rey Buono and Teacher /Co-Director Ruth Pongstaphone, to contextualize and create their performance titled, “Our Carrot.”

Workshop 2: A week long workshop in acting, performance creation and design. Using the story of “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” as a reference, students worked in teams with Master Shakepearean Actor, Ralph Cotteril, with Designer, Manuel Lutgenhorst, and with Media Artist Patrick Palucki to create a performance using elements of visual theatre and constructed to meet their own contexts.

Throughout the festival seminars were given in: “The History of Western Theatre” (Rey Buono), “Stage Design and Spatial Perspectives”(Ruth Pongstaphone & Manuel Lutegenhorst), “Acting : Methods or Madness” Ralph Cotteril, “Media Performance” (Patrick Palucki). Overall the festival succeeded in opening a dialogue with Burmese Artists and cultivating a meaningful experience for Artists from many cultures.

Festival of Contemporary Theatre & Performance Art, Myanmar

“iui# 01 – initiating, updating & integrating”

Organised by Theatre of the Disturbed at Alliance Francaise, Rangoon, Myanmar, February 2-10, 2008

The show was performed on 28.3.2007 in the Conference Hall of the 

United Nations ESCAP Headquarters in Bangkok in front of 62 state-delegations, the executive secretary H.E. Kim Hak Su, the UNESCAP staff, the Princess of Thailand H.R.H. Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont of Thailand and Nobel-Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen.

It incorporates 11 Dancers performing Thai Classical Khon Dance, Thai Folk Dance, Butoh, contemporary Dance. A Choir of 40 people, a drum-master from Chiang Mai and three large Video Projections.   

The performance takes a journey from the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the Foundation of the United Nations and its work of the last 60 years to the present moment in time and into the future.

Trinity Test Pt. 1

Multimedia - Dance - Opera,  United Nations, Bangkok, March 28, 2007

Refuge Dance (Work in Progress)

Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, January, 2008

“Refuge Dance“ is a piece of work in progress in a series of prayer dances, that evolved from our experiences in Nepal and Thanapol’s study of charya dance; a form of Buddhist ritual dance, which extends performance beyond the level of self expression, to the embodiment and offering of the self in the act of „puja“.

This work is an exploration of the act of offering in and to the place where it is formed. In an unspoken dialogue between designer, performer, and photographer, the environment is the stage, by interacting with the environment and its objects, an energy is interchanged, and a dance forms.

The ground was swept clean and a fire made from the debris, in a mandala of fallen prayer flags the dance began with a red shirt found on the hillside.  Through the performance, the mandala was removed from the ground to the fire.

In 2007 the United Nations celebrated the 60th anniversary of their presence in Asia as UNESCAP (United Nations Social & Economic Comission for Asia and the Pacific). For the first time artists were asked to create a theatrical performance that reflects on the United Nations, history and the future. The artist collaborative Dhamma Theatre West was commissioned to create a 15 Min. MultiMedia - Dance - Performance. 

Text & Photoswx_un.html

Hen KrongJak Ben DogBua

Collaborative performance with Akil Michael Davis, "Nannue" Katenan Juntimathorn, "Magic" Imchum Matinee, Patrick Palucki, "Jum" Amata Piyavanich, Ruth Pongstaphone, Fringe Festival, Rajburi, Thailand, March 28, 2009

Space Dance in the Tube, Thailand

Workshop - Performance - Installation with Tetsuro Fukuhara (Tokyo Space Dance), Bangkok & Rajburi, Thailand, January 9 - 25, 2009

Water on Lotus

Performance Collaboration of Bora Yoon and Patrick Palucki, Studio 9, Patravadi Theatre, Bangkok, Thailand, February 6, 2009

>info coming soon

>info coming soon

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